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Siemens at the Hannover Messe 2017

Hanover, 24 April to 28 April 2017

Event Pictures

Siemens at the Hannover Messe 2017

Klaus Helmrich, Managing Board member of Siemens AG and responsible for the Divisions Digital Factory and Process Industries and Drives at the Hannover Messe press conference. The concrete examples presented by Siemens in Hanover give companies a compelling insight into what the fusion of real and virtual worlds can do for them. The Highlight Showcases – the main exhibits in the fields of Energy for Industry, Additive Manufacturing, Food and Beverage and Pharma – illustrate selected aspects of interest in a way that makes them properly tangible for companies in the areas concerned.

Klaus Helmrich at the press conference at Hannover Messe 2017

"Working hand in hand with our partners and industrial customers, we are continuing to drive forward the expansion of MindSphere as a platform as a service, creating an ever more extensive eco system," explained Klaus Helmrich, member of the managing board, at the press conference at Hannover Messe on April, 24.

Further Information

Information on Siemens at the Hannover Messe

Tour Szydlo und Merkel

Prime Minister Szydlo and Chancellor Merkel visit Siemens

Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser hands over a 3D printed bouquet of flowers to Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo during her visit at the Siemens booth with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister for Education.

Prime Minister Szydlo and Chancellor Merkel visit Siemens

Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser hands over a 3D printed bouquet of flowers to Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo during her visit at the Siemens booth with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister for Education. In Front a "SpiderBot"- developed by Siemens - the prototype of a mobile robot.

Booth Pictures Hannover Messe

Siemens extends Digital Enterprise for greater efficiency and flexibility in industry

At the Hannover Messe 2017, Siemens will be demonstrating how industrial companies of all sizes can benefit from the digital transformation. The central focus of the 3,500-square meter booth in Hall 9 will be on the company's further extended portfolio for the achievement of end-to-end digitalization, known as the "Digital Enterprise".

Press releases about products and solutions

Press Release28 April 2017

Siemens offers new components for power monitoring system

Press Release28 April 2017

Siemens offers new compact vacuum circuit breakers

Press Release24 April 2017

Sinacon HC – hybrid converter for innovative grids

Product Pictures

Optimum machine safety using Extended Safety Integrated functions

Siemens extends the Sinamics S210 servodrive system to include the Extended Safety Integrated functions. The existing basic functions such as Safe Torque Off (STO), Safe Stop 1 (SS1) and Safe Brake Control (SBC) are now complemented by extended functions provided by the new firmware versions V5.1 SP1: Safe Stop 2 (SS2), Safe Operating Stop (SOS), Safely-Limited Speed (SLS), Safe Speed Monitor (SSM), Safe Direction (SDI), and Safe Brake Test (SBT).

TIA Portal V15 engineering framework: Focus on applications, digitalization and efficiency

With the new version of the TIA Portal V15 (Totally Integrated Automation Portal), Siemens is extending its engineering framework to include a range of new practical digitalization functions to shorten engineering times. The main features of the innovations are extension of the application possibilities, expansion of the digitalization portfolio, standardization and higher engineering efficiency.

Further Information

Press conference ahead of the Hannover Messe 2017

On Tuesday, March 14th, the traditional press conference prior to Hannover Messe took place. Insights into the company's planned business and technological orientation were provided by Dr. Jan Mrosik, CEO of the Digital Factory Division; Dr. Jürgen Brandes, CEO of the Process Industries and Drives Division; and Dr. Beatrix Natter, CEO of the Energy Management Division's Transformers Business Unit. In addition, these executives were highlighting the latest product innovations being unveiled at this year's Hannover Messe.

Event Pictures

Siemens press conference ahead of the Hannover Messe 2017

On Tuesday March 14 the traditional press conference ahead of the Hannover Messe took place in Karlsruhe. The photo shows from the left to the right: Eckhard Eberle, CEO of the Business Unit Process Automation, Jan Michael Mrosik, CEO of the Division Digital Factory, Günter Gaugler, Press Officer, Jürgen Brandes, CEO of the Division Process Industries and Drives and Beatrix Natter, CEO of the Business Unit Transformers.

Opening of the press conference ahead of Hannover Messe 2017

Eckhard Eberle, CEO of the Business Unit Process Automation opens the Siemens press conference ahead of the Hannover Messe 2017.

Further Information

Klaus Helmrich

Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG


David Petry

Digital Industries

+49 173 5371050

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