With the Sion 3AE5, Siemens has enhanced its portfolio of vacuum circuit breakers for medium-voltage power distribution. The new circuit breaker is used as an incoming main in air-insulated medium-voltage equipment. In comparison to the previous model, the Sion 3AE5, at a rated voltage of 17.5 Kilovolt (kV), handles higher rated short-circuit currents up to 31.5 kilo amperes (kA) and can run rated operational currents up to 2500 amperes (A). The new, wider drive cover offers room for an additional release and thus more flexible options for use. The circuit breaker can be expanded with different release and interlock mechanisms. The electrical closing lockout provides for more safety. As a key component of a switchboard, circuit breakers reliably switch all operational currents and residual currents, ensure the load flow in the network and protect the distribution network and the connected loads against short circuits. Typical areas of application are ring main units and transformer stations, wind power and photovoltaic systems, as well as power distributions in industrial plants.
- Ten action areas for greater cybersecurity
- Call for dedicated government ministries and chief information security officers
- Independent certification for critical infrastructures and solutions in the Internet of Things
- Nine partners present first charter on cybersecurity at Munich Security Conference
At the Munich Security Conference today, Siemens and eight partners from industry will sign the first joint charter for greater cybersecurity. Initiated by Siemens, the Charter of Trust calls for binding rules and standards to build trust in cybersecurity and further advance digitalization. In addition to Siemens and the Munich Security Conference (MSC), the companies Airbus, Allianz, Daimler Group, IBM, NXP, SGS and Deutsche Telekom are signing the Charter. The initiative is further welcomed by Canadian foreign minister and G7 representative Chrystia Freeland as well as witnessed by Elżbieta Bieńkowska, the EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
- First offshore application for the SGT-750 gas turbine
- Contract booked as part of Siemens Frame Agreement with Statoil
Siemens was selected to engineer, manufacture and commission the SGT-750 gas turbine-driven compression train for Statoil's floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel located in the Johan Castberg oil field in the Barents Sea. The project represents the first offshore application for the SGT-750 gas turbine. Equipment delivery is anticipated mid-2019 with first oil planned for 2022.
- Aeroderivative gas turbine will drive RFBB36 pipeline compressor
- Siemens compressor train for Winchell Lake Compressor Station for additional pipeline capacity
Siemens received an order from North American pipeline operator, Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada Corporation, to supply a gas turbine-driven compressor train for the Winchell Lake Compressor Station in Alberta, Canada. The turbo-compressor train will be a critical part of the NGTL pipeline expansion to transport natural gas to export markets. Commercial operation is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2019.
- Integrated building automation and fire safety for the new Central Terminal B
- Siemens helping to modernize one of the busiest airports in the US
- Better safety and comfort for passengers
A major redevelopment and construction project is designed to completely transform New York's LaGuardia Airport into a world-class transportation hub that will more easily serve the tens of millions of travelers that pass through the airport each year. The Siemens Building Technologies Division is working with Skanska Walsh Joint Venture, the design-build contractor for the redevelopment of Central Terminal B, to deploy a Siemens intelligent infrastructure solution that includes an integrated building automation and fire/life safety system for the new central terminal complex.
- Digital solutions for original equipment manufacturers
- Remote servicing system in the cloud: Climatix IC for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), heat pumps and chillers
- Room applications with communicative field devices for a healthy indoor climate
Digitalization and the Internet of Things are increasingly transforming building automation. The Siemens Building Technologies Division will present its comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions to advance the digitalization in buildings at the Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE) trade show on March 13 to 16, 2018 in Milan, Italy under its trade show motto “Creating perfect places.” A special focus for Siemens will be its digitalized solutions and systems for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). These offerings give OEMs the opportunity to access new business fields or to enhance service efficiency.
- Grid planning experts around the world now can purchase subscription-based PSS E licenses online
- Flexibility of this licensing model enables customers to pay for software licenses only when they are needed
Due to the ever advancing digitalization in the energy industry, as of 2018 Siemens is offering a suitable digital way to access its industry-leading PSS E power system planning and analysis software. Customers can quickly and conveniently purchase subscription-based PSS E licenses online. Companies can choose the PSS E licensing option that best aligns with their projects and budgets. This will make it easier for PSS E customers to lower their total cost of ownership and increase productivity.
Siemens AG and Perceptive Engineering Ltd announce a partnership which offers Perceptive's PharmaMV and Siemens Simatic Sipat software products closely integrated to provide a versatile solution for advanced control and optimization applications in both continuous and batch pharmaceutical manufacturing. The interest to have APC integrated into a PAT platform is growing significantly within the Life Sciences Industry. Thus, the goal of this collaboration is to offer the Pharmaceutical Industry the integrated combination of technologies that have - independently from each other - established a proven track record in the past decade.
- New research from Siemens Financial Services (SFS) identifies six key challenges facing manufacturers in the process of moving to an Industry 4.0 model
- Entitled Practical Pathways to Industry 4.0, the report finds that digital skills and access to finance for digital transformation are the top two challenges to a successful transition
- Without access to appropriate and sustainable third-party finance, manufacturers face a challenge to make the digital transformation needed to remain competitive
Siemens Financial Services (SFS) has released a new research paper which investigates the key challenges facing manufacturers across the globe, as they move to implement Industry 4.0. A digitalized, automated, Industry 4.0 world offers the ability to digitally link people, machinery and systems. For manufacturers, this provides a number of benefits such as improved efficiency, pre-emptive maintenance to improve up-time and closer collaboration as a result of digital data flows.
- Distributed Simatic automation controllers for standard and fail-safe applications up to Performance Level e
- Compact devices with functions of a PC-based software controller, visualization, Windows applications and central I/Os
- World's only software controller with fail-safe, PC-based control which is operated independently of the operating system
Siemens is extending its Simatic automation controller series for PC-based applications. The distributed automation controllers now include the new, more powerful Simatic ET 200SP Open Controller CPU 1515SP PC 2 – for standard and fail-safe applications up to Performance Level e. The new Open Controller, which is particularly suitable for series machine building, combines the functions of a PC-based software controller with visualization, Windows applications and central I/Os (inputs/outputs) in a single compact device The new, fail-safe CPU1516pro-2 PN for the Simatic ET 200pro Distributed Controller also performs standard and fail-safe automation tasks up to Performance Level e in a single device.