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Press Release23 August 2021Siemens Mobility GmbHBerlin
ÖBB acquires 21 additional Desiro ML trains from Siemens Mobility
To expand its existing commuter and regional train fleet, ÖBB has ordered an additional 21 Desiro ML trains from Siemens Mobility. The multiple-unit trains have four cars, are approximately 100 meters long, have eight entrances and provide enhanced passenger comfort for local and regional journeys. The trains will be equipped with the state-of-the-art train control system ETCS (European Train Control System) and are planned for service in Austria’s western state of Vorarlberg.
More than 180 trains of this modern and proven series from Siemens Mobility are already successfully operating as three-car trains in Austria alone. The four-car version of the Desiro ML ordered for Vorarlberg has already been approved for operation in Austria and Germany.

Albrecht Neumann, CEO Rolling Stock, Siemens Mobility, said: “The Desiro ML is an internationally tested and proven regional train that provides the highest level of passenger comfort and satisfaction. We’ll now further adapt the train to meet ÖBB’s latest customer requirements and build the new fleet in our usual excellent quality and in record time.”
The Desiro ML trains planned for Vorarlberg will have a total of 290 seats and space for two wheelchairs. Depending on the season, the trains will either offer sufficient space for bicycles in the summer or be equipped with ski racks in the winter.
Passengers will enjoy a high level of comfort thanks to a number of technical innovations such as a digital passenger information system, air conditioning, WiFi service, and easier barrier-free accessibility through the eight doors equipped with extendable ramps.
To date, more than 540 Desiro ML trains from Siemens Mobility in three or four-car versions have been sold worldwide.

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Reference Number: HQMOPR202108176282EN