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Germany's most modern S-Bahn trains for Munich

Thomas Prechtl, Spokesman of the Management Board Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft / Heiko Büttner, Chairman of the Management S-Bahn Munich / Michael Peter, CEO Siemens Mobility / Evelyn Palla, Member of the Management Board of Regional Transport DB AG / Christian Bernreiter, Bavarian State Minister for Housing, Construction and Transport
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Around 52,000 people work for Siemens in Bavaria, including nearly 28,000 in production, 8,700 in research and development, and around 15,000 in sales and administration. The company’s locations in Munich, Erlangen, Nuremberg and Luhe-Wildenau play an important role in the research and development and engineering of the new S-Bahn trains for Munich along with producing its components.
DB Regio has been providing transport services for the entire network of the Munich S-Bahn since December 2020 based on the 1st Munich S-Bahn contract concluded with Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft (BEG) – and is currently covering around 21 million train kilometers a year. The contract is a gross cost contract, meaning that the State of Bavaria receives the revenue from ticket sales and thus assumes revenue opportunities and risks. The Munich S-Bahn receives a fixed monthly customer compensation from BEG that covers all operating expenses. The contract also regulates, among other things, the procurement and deployment of the new trains. Incentives for particularly good performance by the operator, such as for reliability and service quality, supplement the contract model.
Financing of the new S-Bahn trains was provided to Deutsche Bahn by Bayerische Eisenbahngesellschaft, which selected a lessor, LHI Leasing, based in Pullach near Munich, and two investors, the European Investment Bank and UniCredit Bank. The State of Bavaria made very favorable financing conditions possible with a capital service guarantee.
Owned by the State of Bavaria, the BEG plans, finances, and controls regional and S-Bahn transport in the state on behalf of the Bavarian Ministry for Transport. The BEG awards contracts for its transport services using Europe-wide award procedures.
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Siemens Mobility is a separately managed company of Siemens AG. As a leader in intelligent transport solutions for more than 175 years, Siemens Mobility is constantly innovating its portfolio. Its core areas include rolling stock, rail automation and electrification, a comprehensive software portfolio, turnkey systems as well as related services. With digital products and solutions, Siemens Mobility is enabling mobility operators worldwide to make infrastructure intelligent, increase value sustainably over the entire lifecycle, enhance passenger experience and guarantee availability. In fiscal year 2022, which ended on September 30, 2022, Siemens Mobility posted revenue of €9.7 billion and had around 38,200 employees worldwide. Further information is available at:
The Munich S-Bahn, with around 1,700 employees, is part of DB Regio AG and has been serving the city and surrounding region since 1972. More than 270 trains operate throughout the 444-kilometer rail network. Day for day, around two-thirds of all passengers using Bavaria’s local rail transport services ride on the Munich S-Bahn. The system’s operations are handled by around 1,700 employees. The DB initiative “Strong Munich S-Bahn – 14Plus Program” is currently focusing on making the S-Bahn system more efficient.
Simon Schmaußer
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr
(089) 2192 – 3140