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Feature08 May 2017,
updated27 November 2017Siemens Mobility GmbHMunich
San Francisco is considered an especially environmentally friendly city. The urban environment is characterized by an extensive public transport system. In September 2014, San Francisco's Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has awarded Siemens a contract to deliver an initial 175 light rail cars at a value of USD648 million. The order included an option for additional 85 cars. One year later, SFMTA exercised its option for another 40 light rail vehicles for the public mass transit network. This is one of the biggest orders for light rail cars ever placed in the USA. The trains are being built in the Siemens plant in Sacramento. Today, every third tram or light rail vehicle in the USA is made by Siemens.
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Siemens New Light Rail Vehicle for San Francisco
San Francisco's Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni) has awarded Siemens a contract to deliver an initial 175 light rail cars at a value of USD648 million. With an option for an additional 85 cars, this is the biggest order for light rail cars ever placed in the USA. With this contract, Siemens secures its position as the U.S. market leader in this segment. Every third streetcar or light rail car operating in the USA today comes from Siemens. The trains will be built at the Siemens plant in Sacramento, California, and will be delivered beginning in 2016.