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Siemens Norge  på Hannovermessen 2024

Som alltid finner du Siemens standens 3 500 m2 i hall 9. Her viser vi frem våre nyeste digitale produkter og løsninger for en bærekraftig fremtid. Vi ser frem til spennende diskusjoner om hvordan digitalisering og elektrifisering kan være med på å skape et bærekraftig fremtid.
Nedenfor ser du en oversikt over de arrangementer vi deltaker på under Hannovermessen. Noen av de kan du bli med på online via streaminglinken. 

Mandag 22. april

Norway a key partner for current and future energy supply

Kl. 09:45 - 11:00
Arrangør: Innovation Norway
Deltaker fra SiemensNils Klippenberg
Sted: Energy 4.0 Stage | Hall 12
Beskrivelse: Norway and Germany have a strong and important partnership on energy. In our joint efforts for energy transition in Germany and Europe - Norway is a secure, sustainable and cost-efficient energy supplier for the short and long term. Please join us and listen to key notes, presentations and panel debates by representative from the the Norwegian government and industry.

EU-Norway: strategic partnership on raw materials and batteries

Kl. 11:00 - 12:00
Arrangør: Innovation Norway
Deltaker fra SiemensFrank Bråthen
Sted: Norway Pavilion | Hall 12
Beskrivelse: The panel will discuss the investment needs and the potential for EU-Norway cooperation in raw materials and battery value chains. 

How Technology Enables Future Proof and Sustainable Solutions in Volatile Market Conditions

Kl. 12:30 - 12:55
Arrangør: Siemens
Deltaker fra SiemensFrank Bråthen
Sted: Hall 9 – Siemens stage
Beskrivelse: Desert Control, Kongsberg maritime, Morrow Batteries, and Agri-E are utilizing Siemens techology as integral part of their offert solutions. Global market trends calls for sustainable solutions and offers substantial business opportunties in the future. How does Norwegian companies handle this?

Norway - Pioneering The Green Industrial Transformation - A Snapshot

Kl. 13:00 - 13:30
Arrangør: Innovation Norway
Deltaker fra SiemensNils Klippenberg
Sted: Industrial Transformation Stage | Hall 3
Beskrivelse: Norway leads the charge in the green industrial transformation, leveraging its natural resources and progressive policies. Norway reinvests wealth into green technologies such as electric vehicles and carbon capture. Sustainable practices across sectors drive economic growth while reducing emissions. Norway's commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship sets a compelling example for nations worldwide, proving that prosperity and sustainability can thrive hand in hand.

Tirsdag 23. april

Renewable Dialogue - North Sea Energy Hub

Kl. 10.30 - 14.30
Arrangør: Deutsche Messe (DMAG)
Deltaker fra SiemensNils Klippenberg
Sted: Convention Center, Auditorium 2
Beskrivelse: The "Renewable Dialogue - North Sea Energy Hub" places the importance of renewable energies for industrial production processes at its core and underlines their role as the driving force when it comes to innovation and sustainability. For the industry, they play a crucial role, as the future viability of many companies is based on reducing their CO₂ footprint. What role can the North Sea play as an energy hub and what potentials do the neighboring states offer? Learn about the political framework conditions and which technical innovations can make a sustainable contribution.

Can Norway Offer Both: Green and Competitive Batteries to Europe? 

Kl. 11.30 - 11.50
Arrangør: Siemens
Deltaker fra SiemensFrank Bråthen
Sted: Siemens stage | Hall 9 
Beskrivelse: Morrow's factories is essential to develop a complete battery value chain as part of Norways transition from fossile to a green industry. The collaboration Morrow/Siemens represents a significant step toward achieving sustainable and cost efficient battery manufacturing processes.

Onsdag 24. april

Transformation: Norway as a Role Model for the Path to a Climate-neutral Economy

Kl. 11:05 - 11:30
Arrangør: Siemens
Deltakere fra SiemensNils Klippenberg / Judith Wiese 
Sted: Hall 9 – Siemens stage
Beskrivelse: Despite having a CO2-intensive economy, Norway is recognized as a 'green' country. Together with their guests, Judith Wiese and Nils Klippenberg discuss how Norway is becoming a role model for the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy and how Siemens' sustainability strategy fits in with Norway's efforts.

Partner country evening

Kl. 18:00 - 22:30
Arrangør: Innovation Norway
Deltakere fra SiemensNils Klippenberg / Frank Bråthen
Sted: Norway Pavilion | Hall 12
Beskrivelse: Middag og mingling

Torsdag 25. april

How Siemens transform Norway with technology – for a better tomorrow

Kl. 11.30 - 11.45
Arrangør: Siemens
Deltaker fra SiemensNils Klippenberg
Sted: Hall 9 - Siemens stage
Beskrivelse: Think about climate change and the associated energy transition. Technology will be the key in decarbonizing industries, enabling this needed transition, being more efficient with finite resources and ultimately creating sustainable growth. Siemens Norway play a pivot role in driving the future of sustainable energy and enables Norway's energy transition.


Nils Klippenberg

Nils Klippenberg, CEO Siemens Norge

Frank Braathen

Frank Bråthen, Managing Director Siemens Digital Industries

Fakta om Siemens
Siemens er en global aktør som utvikler høyteknologiske, innovative løsninger for industri, energi, helse, byer og transport.
Siemens-konsernet er en av verdens største leverandører av bærekraftige og miljøvennlige løsninger med fokus på elektrifisering, automatisering og digitalisering. Vi er over 300.000 medarbeidere i hele verden.
I Norge har Siemens AS gjennom 125 år satt tydelige spor med banebrytende teknologiløsninger. Hovedkontoret er i Oslo.
Read more


Britt Gabrielsen, kommunikasjonssjef i Siemens AS


Østre Aker Vei 88
0596 Oslo

+47 982 55 072