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Press Release18 October 2013Siemens AG
Siemens to realign regional organization and strengthen corporate units
The realignment will eliminate an organizational level at the company, and the various countries will be more closely geared to the business of the Sectors. In the future, the countries which are most important for Siemens – based on their business volume and growth prospects – are to report directly to the four Managing Board members who are responsible for the Energy, Healthcare, Industry and Infrastructure & Cities Sectors. These so-called lead countries account for more than 85 percent of the company's revenue, and smaller countries will report directly to them.
As part of the realignment of the regional organization, Managing Board responsibility for the various regions will also be reassigned. In the future, Energy CEO Michael Süß will be responsible for the NAFTA region and the Middle East; Healthcare CEO Hermann Requardt, for South America and Japan; Industry CEO Siegfried Russwurm, for Europe, Africa and the C.I.S.; and Infrastructure & Cities CEO Roland Busch, for Asia, excluding Japan, and Australia. The restructuring of the regional setup is aimed at enhancing local market penetration.
In addition, structures are to be optimized and bundled at Siemens' corporate units. For example, the Mergers & Acquisitions Department – responsible for portfolio measures and currently a part of Corporate Finance – is to be transferred to Corporate Development, which reports to the President and CEO. The same applies to the new corporate unit Governance & Markets, which will combine governance and capital market functions. The company's internal consulting unit, Siemens Management Consulting, will be integrated into the strategy department. The currently centrally managed sales unit Siemens One and its city account managers will become part of the Infrastructure & Cities Sector. Furthermore, business excellence functions, including project and quality management, will be bundled under the leadership of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO). "By strengthening and streamlining our corporate units, we're substantially increasing our clout," noted Kaeser.
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Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare as well as providing infrastructure solutions, primarily for cities and metropolitan areas. For over 165 years, Siemens has stood for technological excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality. The company is the world's largest provider of environmental technologies. Around 40 percent of its total revenue stems from green products and solutions. In fiscal 2012, which ended on September 30, 2012, revenue from continuing operations totaled €78.3 billion and income from continuing operations €5.2 billion. At the end of September 2012, Siemens had around 370,000 employees worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at: