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Press Release11 July 2017Joint Press Release by Siemens and AESMunich, Germany and Arlington, Virginia
Siemens and AES join forces to create Fluence, a new global energy storage technology company
Siemens and AES will have joint control of the company with each holding a 50 percent stake. Fluence's global headquarters will be located in the Washington, DC area with additional offices located in Erlangen, Germany and select cities worldwide. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of calendar year 2017, subject to regulatory and other approvals.
Fluence will operate independently of its parent companies, combining the robust capabilities and expertise from Siemens' battery-based energy storage solutions group under the Energy Management division with AES' subsidiary, AES Energy Storage. AES and Siemens are currently ranked among the leading energy storage integrators worldwide by Navigant Research. Together, the two companies have deployed or have been awarded 48 projects totaling 463 MW of battery-based energy storage across 13 countries, including the world's largest lithium-ion battery-based energy storage project near San Diego, California.
"As the energy storage market expands, customers face the challenge of finding a trusted technology partner with an appropriate portfolio and a profound knowledge of the power sector. Fluence will fill this major gap in the market. With the global reach of an experienced international sales force as well as Siemens' leading technology platform Siestorage at its disposal, Fluence will be perfectly equipped to serve this very interesting market," said Ralf Christian, CEO of Siemens' Energy Management Division.
"Over the past ten years, AES has become a global leader in utility-scale, battery-based energy storage. Today AES' Advancion platform is present in seven countries with more than 200 MW of energy storage deployed, including the largest installed system of its kind in the world," said Andrés Gluski, AES President and CEO. "Partnering with Siemens to form Fluence will offer both large and small customers the full gamut of proven, state-of-the-art energy storage solutions in over 160 countries. This will accelerate the integration of renewables into the energy network of tomorrow."
The grid-connected energy storage sector is expected to expand from a total installed capacity of three gigawatts (GW) at the end of 2016 to 28 GW by 2022 according to IHS Markit, which is equivalent to the power used by 18.6 million households. By incorporating energy storage across the electric power network, utilities and communities around the world will optimize their infrastructure investments, increase network flexibility and resiliency, and accelerate cost-effective integration of renewable electricity generation.
The AES Advancion and Siemens Siestorage technology platforms each support a multitude of energy storage applications, together representing an industry-leading suite of choices for customers. Siemens brings its experience in microgrid and islanding applications, renewable hybrid technology, black-start capability, and consumer peak shaving, building on its intimate knowledge of customer power needs as a leading global original equipment manufacturer (OEM). AES brings its deep expertise in utility-scale battery-based energy storage solutions for flexible peaking capacity, ancillary services such as frequency regulation, transmission and distribution reliability, and renewable integration applications dating back a decade and representing several of the largest energy storage installations in the world.
To learn more about Fluence, visit
Siemens and AES join forces to create Fluence
For this press release
Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) ist ein führender internationaler Technologiekonzern, der seit mehr als 165 Jahren für technische Leistungsfähigkeit, Innovation, Qualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Internationalität steht. Das Unternehmen ist in mehr als 200 Ländern aktiv, und zwar schwerpunktmäßig auf den Gebieten Elektrifizierung, Automatisierung und Digitalisierung. Siemens ist weltweit einer der größten Hersteller energieeffizienter ressourcenschonender Technologien. Das Unternehmen ist Nummer eins im Offshore-Windanlagenbau, einer der führenden Anbieter von Gas- und Dampfturbinen für die Energieerzeugung sowie von Energieübertragungslösungen, Pionier bei Infrastrukturlösungen sowie bei Automatisierungs-, Antriebs- und Softwarelösungen für die Industrie. Darüber hinaus ist das Unternehmen ein führender Anbieter bildgebender medizinischer Geräte wie Computertomographen und Magnetresonanztomographen sowie in der Labordiagnostik und klinischer IT. Im Geschäftsjahr 2016, das am 30. September 2016 endete, erzielte Siemens einen Umsatz von 79,6 Milliarden Euro und einen Gewinn nach Steuern von 5,6 Milliarden Euro. Ende September 2016 hatte das Unternehmen weltweit rund 351.000 Beschäftigte. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter
The AES Corporation (NYSE: AES) is a Fortune 200 global power company. We provide affordable, sustainable energy to 17 countries through our diverse portfolio of distribution businesses as well as thermal and renewable generation facilities. Our workforce of 19,000 people is committed to operational excellence and meeting the world's changing power needs. Our 2016 revenues were $14 billion and we own and manage $36 billion in total assets. To learn more, please visit Follow AES on Twitter @TheAESCorp.
AES Energy Storage, LLC a subsidiary of The AES Corporation, is a leader in commercial energy storage solutions, which improve flexibility and reliability of the power system, and provide customers with a complete alternative to traditional energy infrastructure investments such as peaking power plants. The company's Advancion® 4 energy storage solution is available for sale to leading utilities, power markets, and independent power producers, and AES Energy Storage and its partners can manage installations from concept to operation with a market-proven solution that integrates best-in-class battery and power conversion technologies. To learn more, please visit
The AES Corporation (NYSE: AES) is a Fortune 200 global power company. We provide affordable, sustainable energy to 17 countries through our diverse portfolio of distribution businesses as well as thermal and renewable generation facilities. Our workforce of 19,000 people is committed to operational excellence and meeting the world's changing power needs. Our 2016 revenues were $14 billion and we own and manage $36 billion in total assets. To learn more, please visit Follow AES on Twitter @TheAESCorp.
AES Energy Storage, LLC a subsidiary of The AES Corporation, is a leader in commercial energy storage solutions, which improve flexibility and reliability of the power system, and provide customers with a complete alternative to traditional energy infrastructure investments such as peaking power plants. The company's Advancion® 4 energy storage solution is available for sale to leading utilities, power markets, and independent power producers, and AES Energy Storage and its partners can manage installations from concept to operation with a market-proven solution that integrates best-in-class battery and power conversion technologies. To learn more, please visit