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Press Release01 March 2018,
updated26 June 2018MobilityMunich
New Siemens "Smartron" locomotive for Germany
"With the new Smartron, we're offering our customers a powerful and reliable locomotive that is configured for specific operations, making possible a simple purchase process. One standard version, one standard contract, one standard price – that's the idea behind the Smartron," says Sabrina Soussan, CEO of the Mobility Division at Siemens.
The Smartron is based on proven components of the Vectron, which has already demonstrated its reliability in over 100 million kilometers of operation. It operates on the standard 1,435 mm gauge and weighs around 83 tons. The Smartron is designed for the 15-kV AC power system and is equipped with the PZB/LZB train protection system. The locomotive will be delivered in the standard color "Capri Blue."
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Eva Haupenthal
Siemens AG
Nonnendammallee 101
13629 Berlin
13629 Berlin
+49 (89) 636-24421