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Feature04 February 2019,
updated04 February 2019Siemens AGMunich

The Fund for the Future that Siemens and the company’s Central Works Council agreed to establish in May 2018 is now available to finance qualification projects in Germany. Until the end of fiscal 2022, Siemens will provide up to €100 million for such projects, in addition to the company’s regular annual budget of around €500 million for training and continuing education, thereof €290 million in Germany. The Fund for the Future is a key element with which Siemens and the Central Works Council are shaping the structural transformation of today’s economy – a transformation that is changing the working world to an unimaginable degree. Siemens, the company's Central Works Council and the IG Metall labor union agreed on a Future Pact in May 2018. This pact, which includes the Fund for the Future, established the main framework for addressing the structural transformation now taking place in Germany.
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Shaping structural change - Fund for the Future
What is the Fund for the Future?
The working world of the future will be shaped by changes in the methods and content of our work as well as in the required skills and the framework conditions for employment. This transformation is being driven by global trends like digitalization, globalization and urbanization as well as by changes in demographics and the climate. These and other trends are reshaping markets, business models and society at an ever-faster pace.
The goal of the Fund for the Future is to invest in our employees' ability to learn, adapt and meet the challenges of the future. This will then create a learning organization that can adequately address the constant changes and adapt accordingly on a continuous basis.
To accomplish these aims, Siemens AG has set up a Fund for the Future. Its purpose is to help enable the company to view itself in a new way by seeing itself as a learning organization. It's also designed to provide individuals with the freedom they need to learn. In addition, it's meant to initiate and sustainably establish a cultural transformation within Siemens AG along these same lines.
Over the course of four years beginning in FY 2019, a total of up to €100 million are being made available for the Fund for the Future across businesses and locations in Germany.
Financing will be allocated by an awards committee comprising members of the Central Works Council and an equal number of management representatives. Labor Director Janina Kugel is chairing the committee.
Location heads can apply for financing from the fund together with members of local works councils, as can the Division, BU and Segment heads as well as the relevant RC DE heads. Applications are to be submitted using a standardized form.
The goal of the Fund for the Future is to invest in our employees' ability to learn, adapt and meet the challenges of the future. This will then create a learning organization that can adequately address the constant changes and adapt accordingly on a continuous basis.
To accomplish these aims, Siemens AG has set up a Fund for the Future. Its purpose is to help enable the company to view itself in a new way by seeing itself as a learning organization. It's also designed to provide individuals with the freedom they need to learn. In addition, it's meant to initiate and sustainably establish a cultural transformation within Siemens AG along these same lines.
Over the course of four years beginning in FY 2019, a total of up to €100 million are being made available for the Fund for the Future across businesses and locations in Germany.
Financing will be allocated by an awards committee comprising members of the Central Works Council and an equal number of management representatives. Labor Director Janina Kugel is chairing the committee.
Location heads can apply for financing from the fund together with members of local works councils, as can the Division, BU and Segment heads as well as the relevant RC DE heads. Applications are to be submitted using a standardized form.

What projects will the Fund for the Future support?
The Fund will finance such measures as:
- Concrete projects relating to the structural transformation of the economy; within the framework of these projects – and in accordance with the requirements of the collective-bargaining agreements and operational requirements – this can include, where appropriate, (partially) freeing employees from their duties to allow them to acquire qualifications, take part in workshops, etc.
- Learning programs, as well as the provision of learning content, tools, platforms, and infrastructure
- Support for regional qualification concepts in connection with structural transformation
Projects and learning programs implemented with financing from the Fund for the Future should, wherever possible, meet one or more of the following prerequisites:
- Projects and learning programs that are outside the scope of previous/existing measures
- Projects and learning programs that support the exchange of knowledge and capacities across units and locations
- Projects and learning programs that secure jobs in Germany
- Projects and learning programs that create a foundation for the organization's future ability to learn and for the ability of individual employees to learn
- Projects and learning programs that enable reorientation of employees in disruptive fields of employment / technologies
- Projects that empower employees to continue their professional development within a learning organization
- Projects of a pioneering nature (for example, acquisition of qualifications in connection with innovations [for example from Innovation Fund projects]).