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Feature16 May 2017,
updated16 May 2017Gas and PowerOrlando
Building on its commitment to innovative power plant solutions, Siemens has been awarded a contract from Colbún S.A. to upgrade the Central Termoeléctrica Nehuenco-I plant with Siemens' Power Plant Automation T3000 Cue (SPPA-T3000) system. The 368-megawatt (MW) combined cycle power plant is located in Quillota, Valparaíso Region, in Chile and provides electricity to approximately 350,000 homes in the region.
The newly installed controls will improve plant operation and reliability as they are specifically designed to implement total power plant and turbine controls on a common, easy-to-use platform. The SPPA-T3000 Cue is a web-based power plant instrumentation and controls (I&C) system that can be integrated seamlessly into existing IT landscapes, independent of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). It provides real-time functionalities for operations, engineering, diagnostics, archiving, alarm and field devices.
With cyber security of vital importance, the SPPA-T3000 Cue uses a secure java-enabled interface, where authorized users can gain access securely at virtually any time from virtually any location. In addition, Embedded Components Services™ technology can help simplify power plant operation and maintenance and enable plant operators to run individual power plant units in a flexible operating mode to match the demand.
Also included in the contract is the migration of all the Siemens Simatic S5-based controls. These controls are for other plants systems such as the Auxiliary Boiler, Post Firing, and the Diverter Damper that were standalone systems connected to the previous SPPA-T2000 system but now have their controls fully integrated into the SPPA-T3000 Cue. This allows for all the features to be available in a single control platform for better access and ease of use. The Gas Turbine Startup Frequency Converter (SFC)/Static Excitation Equipment (SEE) will also be replaced. This system is used for startup of the turbine where the generator is used as a motor and the excitation as the generator. The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR), the excitation system of the steam turbine, is also being replaced.
Siemens' local presence and close collaboration with its customers underscores its commitment to actively contributing to the country's development. Operating in Chile since 1907, Siemens participates in projects in the areas of mining, transportation and energy and occupies a leading position on the local market across the country.
With cyber security of vital importance, the SPPA-T3000 Cue uses a secure java-enabled interface, where authorized users can gain access securely at virtually any time from virtually any location. In addition, Embedded Components Services™ technology can help simplify power plant operation and maintenance and enable plant operators to run individual power plant units in a flexible operating mode to match the demand.
Also included in the contract is the migration of all the Siemens Simatic S5-based controls. These controls are for other plants systems such as the Auxiliary Boiler, Post Firing, and the Diverter Damper that were standalone systems connected to the previous SPPA-T2000 system but now have their controls fully integrated into the SPPA-T3000 Cue. This allows for all the features to be available in a single control platform for better access and ease of use. The Gas Turbine Startup Frequency Converter (SFC)/Static Excitation Equipment (SEE) will also be replaced. This system is used for startup of the turbine where the generator is used as a motor and the excitation as the generator. The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR), the excitation system of the steam turbine, is also being replaced.
Siemens' local presence and close collaboration with its customers underscores its commitment to actively contributing to the country's development. Operating in Chile since 1907, Siemens participates in projects in the areas of mining, transportation and energy and occupies a leading position on the local market across the country.